What is surprising is that a) They are mostly written by American writers and b) a large proportion of them are romance.
Why should that be? Well, with the American angle, I think it has always been true that the American horse book scene is more wide-ranging than that of the UK, not really concentrating on the young girl/pony club element around which the British pony book centres. It has always had a wider frame, with more male central characters, more older characters and is more eclectic in theme. It also seems to concentrate a lot more on racing than the UK books and it is probably this disclipline which attracts a more adult theme (in fact a large proportion of the UK adult horse books are set in the world of racing too). It is not surprisingly therefore that the horse book in America should spill over into the adult market.
As for romance, I'm not sure as to that at all? Anybody who has a theory let me know!
But apart from the crime thrillers, romances and racing stories there is a lot more on offer, from fantasy by the likes of Judith Tarr (she even wrote a book where a sorcerer transforms a man into an Arabian stallion...now wouldn't you like to be able to do that yourself!), historical works, mysteries and much more.
If you would like to see my list of adult horse related fiction please visit the new page on my website here I have also included a number of books which were originally aimed at older children but are particularly suitable for the more mature reader. I hope it will give you some new ideas for reading material...it certainly has done so for me. And if you know of any other adult horse fiction you think should be added to the list please let me know or visit the adult pony book thread on the forum.
Just got a few more titles (thanks to all who provided them) which I haven't had time to add to the website yet:
Ride a Proud Horse by Barbara Morgenroth
Bold Venture (UK title Bluebird) by Dorothy V.S. Jackson
Ins and Outs by Barbara Moss
Ride a Dark Horse by Lynn Hall (older teenager)
To search for the any of the books on Amazon you can use this link: